Parcel Postbox Near Me

If you enter a shipping address near a parcel box, you can select 'pakkeboks' (parcel box) as the delivery option in the online store. In some cases, the options will be presented to you as a list, but in some online stores you will need to find a button that says 'change delivery location' or similar. Note that not all online stores offer an optional delivery point. Feel free to encourage stores you shop at to add this delivery option if you wish to have a choice about this.

  1. Where's My Nearest Postbox
  2. Best Mail Services Near Me - April 2021: Find Nearby Mail ...
  3. MailboxMap - Find And Locate Blue USPS Mailbox Locations Near Me

Get directions to the mailbox nearest you.Results appear instantly based on your current location, or you may enter an address. We have the locations of over 200,000 mailboxes and post offices throughout the United States and its territories. The Postbox Shop Products and Services. Welcome to the Postbox Shop, we provide an extensive range of individual and commercial postboxes, letterboxes and mailboxes, each designed with access, security and your lifestyle needs in mind.

Tip: Do you want to have your parcel delivered to a parcel box, even if you do not live close enough for it to appear as a delivery option when you enter your address? Find the 'Pakkeboks' (parcel box) you want to use on the map above and tap it. Then you will see the address of the parcel box. Use this as your delivery address and you will get it as an alternative in the online stores that offer an optional delivery point.

In addition, you need to download the Posten app. Sign up for the app and get ready to receive packages more easily!

< Proposed features(Redirected from Key:parcel:sending)
Parcel lockers and parcel postbox
Status:Draft (under way)
Proposed by:SelfishSeahorse
Applies to:
Definition:amenity=parcel_lockers: a machine with lockers for picking-up parcels

amenity=parcel_postbox: a box for depositing outgoing parcels

Drafted on:2018-11-12

Where's My Nearest Postbox


Parcel lockers

Parcel lockers by Australia Post

Parcel lockers (also called parcel terminals, parcel stations or parcel machines) are electrical machines with lockers for picking-up parcels. They allow for interaction with the customers, usually by a touchscreen. Some parcel lockers also allow for sending parcels or to be used as ordinary lockers.

A new tag amenity=parcel_lockers is introduced for parcel lockers together with the complementing tags parcel_receiving=yes/no, parcel_sending=yes/no, letter_receiving=yes/no and letter_sending=yes/no to indicate whether parcel lockers can be used to receive and send parcels and letters respectively.

Parcel postbox

Parcel postbox by FedEx

A parcel postbox (also called parcel drop box) is a box for depositing outgoing parcels (very similar to an ordinary amenity=post_box, but larger).

A new tag amenity=parcel_postbox is introduced for parcel postboxes.



Best Mail Services Near Me - April 2021: Find Nearby Mail ...

Parcel lockers and parcel postboxes are currently both tagged amenity=vending_machine even though they are two different objects. Besides, both of them aren't vending machines (i.e. an automatic machines that accepts money and dispense merchandise).


MailboxMap - Find And Locate Blue USPS Mailbox Locations Near Me

Useful combination

  • name=*
  • operator=*: name of the company that operates the parcel lockers or the parcel postbox (e.g. Australia Post)
  • opening_hours=*: hours when the parcel lockers are accessible (e.g. 24/7)
  • collection_times=*: the times at which parcels are collected (e.g. Mo-Sa 12:00)
  • parcel_lockers:type=cabinet or parcel_lockers:type=circular
  • surveillance=outdoor: if this amenity is monitored by surveillance camera(s)

Comparison of current and proposed tagging

ObjectCurrent taggingProposed tagging
Parcel lockers with possibility to receive but not to send parcelsamenity=vending_machine
+ vending=parcel_pickup
+ parcel_receiving=yes
+ parcel_sending=no
Parcel lockers with possibility to receive and send parcelsamenity=vending_machine
+ vending=parcel_pickup;parcel_mail_in
+ parcel_receiving=yes
+ parcel_sending=yes
Parcel lockers with possibility to send but not to receive parcelsamenity=vending_machine
+ vending=parcel_mail_in
+ parcel_receiving=no
+ parcel_sending=yes
A parcel postboxamenity=vending_machine
+ vending=parcel_mail_in
(parcel_receiving=no not required because inherent)

Open questions

  • How to tag Amazon Lockers? These parcel lockers only allow to return parcels (purchases) to Amazon, but not to any addressee. Maybe parcel_sending=returns_only?
  • Are there any other parcel lockers apart from Amazon Lockers that only allow to receive but not to send parcels? Otherwise, receiving and sending could be defined as standard for all amenity=parcel_lockers.

Current usage

Proposed tags


Current tags


See also

  • Proposed_Features/post_pickup – another proposal (with unknown status) for parcel lockers from 2015, proposing the tag amenity=post_pickup
  • Proposed features/amenity=parcel box – an obsoleted draft proposal for parcel lockers form 2016, proposing the tag amenity=parcel_box

External discussions

  • Tagging mailing list: Dispensing vs vending (Was: Combined waste/recycling bins). October 2018
Parcel Postbox Near Me


Please comment on the discussion page.

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