Mike Russell Adobe Audition

  1. Mike Russell Adobe Audition Download
  2. Mike Russell Adobe Audition Free
  3. Mike Russell Adobe Audition Training
  4. Mike Russell Adobe Auditions

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The Adobe Audition Podcast hosted by Mike Russell from Music Radio Creative. Honouring 25 years of Adobe Audition! In this series of 25 episodes Mike will interview Adobe Audition power users. We’ll reminisce back to the Cool Edit Pro days through to the introduction of multitrack editing and bring you right up to date with Adobe See more. If you have Audition I’d say stick to recording AND editing in the same software. Audition has some great audio encoders so you’ll always get top quality. If, for a reason, you have to record source in Audacity stick to.wav, 44100 Hz (or 48000 Hz for video) at a high bit-rate 24-bit or 32-bit (float) if Audacity will support it.

Take your voiceovers from good to great. In the following video tutorial you’ll pick up four handy techniques for upping the quality of your VO.

As a filmmaker or video professional there’s a good chance you record voiceovers…a lot. Whether it’s for a corporate video or a podcast, getting great audio is crucial for making your work more professional.

Adobe Audition offers powerful tools to improve your voiceovers, even if the original recording was less than perfect. The following tutorial by YouTuber Mike Russell demonstrates four techniques to take your audio to the next level:

  • Assigning Hotkeys
  • Equalizing
  • Normalizing
  • Dynamics Rendering

This video was first shared by Mike Russell on his YouTube channel. Thanks for sharing Mike!

If you are interested in learning more about correcting audio issues in Audition check out the following resources:

Have any other tips for cleaning up vocals? Share in the comments below.

Hello I'm Mike Russell from MusicRadioCreative.com. On today's tutorial I'm going to show youAdobehow to process a voice over that you recorded into Adobe Audition 3.0. As you can see justa moment ago myself I recorded my own voice over and I'm gonna play it back to you. Notethat there is no compression on this what so ever. It is just my microphone plug into my computer. Have a listen to this 'Health and Safety don't block fire exits.' It soundsokay but it could have a lot more dynamic and you could add some filters some EQ, compressionand make it really cut above the rest and have a bit of power to it and obviously ifyou're gonna mix it to music and effects it will help you to cut across those. So the

Mike Russell Adobe Audition Download

first thing that I'm gonna advise you to do when you've recorded your voice over in isgoing to the effects menu, go down to Filter and EQ, and use the graphic equalizer. Hereit is trusty old effect presets, no need to make your own at this stage go to the bottomvocal magic breath is the preset that I like to use and you'll notice that it does verylittle to the voice apart from adds a little bit of high end treble there it is click OKand the very smallest amount of change as you'll notice there. The waveform hardly changedat all. I'll play it back to you see whether you can spot just that tiny bit of treblenow in the voice. 'Health and Safety don't block fire exits.' You'll probably need veryfinely tuned hearing to notice that but obviously when you put the compression on it will makeall the difference. Once you've applied the EQ now is the time to Normalize your voiceover. Effects, amplitude and compression and normalize as we did in the previous tutorial.Make sure the normalize is to 100% there normalize to 100% OK. There it is nice and loud. Whatyou might want to do you'll notice the end part of the voice over is slightly louderthan the start part the Health and Safety bit. I'm going to select that on it's own.Effects, amplitude and compression, normalize to 100% and you'll see its just made thata bit louder as well. For some reason the first part of the voice over was slightlyquieter than the last part so it's always a good idea to try and get the whole voiceMike russell adobe audition downloadover as loud as you possibly can before you apply the next filter.

Mike Russell Adobe Audition Free

The next filter is compressor now there are so many compressors in Adobe Audition 3.0.I think you would tear your hair out if you try them all out. There's a couple that Iquite like. If you want to put a pretty light compression on there. It's Effects, amplitudeand compression and then you go into Dynamics processing and I'll put it on to graphicsso you can see the graph there and there is actually a voice over preset. Beware whenyou use this it can actually drag up the background noise as well so you can get quite a bit ofa hiss but that's quite a good preset. The preset that I'm gonna show you though is inEffects, amplitude and compression, Multiband compression and this is amazing. This is theplugin that you only get in Adobe Audition 3.0 the preset is called Broadcast and believeme it really sounds like you're broadcasting on a radio station when you apply this. It'sgreat to use if you're making maybe a demo to send off to a radio station and you wantto sound like you were really on the air or putting together a portfolio of your bestjingles and you want it to sound like you've recorded them from the radio it's brilliantit's about as close I think as you can get with a plugin to real radio compression whichcosts thousands of pounds so let's click OK.And as you can see beefed up almost look like a block now let's listen back 'Health andSafety don't block fire exits.' Brilliant! I mean that's gonna cut across any effector any piece of music. The only thing you might find is in some cases it might be justa little bit too strong if you're planning to use it say on an FM radio station thathas a compressor on itself you're gonna find that it will probably will compress it twiceand you'll end up sounding well very broken up and distorted so for our purpose thoughthat's fine. The final effect that I'm gonna show you is an optional extra and I hope youlike it. Effects, reverb, studio reverb, and this is a Mike reverb. I'm gonna show youall my presets now go down to the bottom go for Vocal Reverb Medium now I'll show youwhy this is not so good in it's current form. If you click OK it's gonna sound like you'rein a cathedral when I play it back. 'Health and Safety don't block fire exits.' Which

Mike Russell Adobe Audition Training

you don't want so I'm gonna undo that using the undo button or you can use Edit, undogo to effects, reverb, studio reverb, all you have to change is the last two presets

Mike Russell Adobe Auditions

output level the dry which is like the original vocal put that to 100% so you get your originalvocal intact and the wet which in layman's terms is the echo take that from 40% downto 15 and click OK. There we go tiny bit of sparkle now, take a listen to this. 'Healthand Safety don't block fire exits.' and that is your finished product. Your processed voiceover. Hope you found this tutorial handy and if you did well please leave me a commentlet me know what you think if you like some more feel free to ask me any questions andmaybe i'll make a tutorial to answer your question. I'm Mike Russell from MusicRadioCreative.com