Kindle For Mac Page Numbers

Kindle for mac page numbers download

And a growing number of keen readers are perversely attracted to the iPhone or iPod touch as the always-in-your pocket solution. What you don't hear a lot about is reading books on a Mac or PC. Enter the new updated Kindle for Mac. application which, for the first time, adds double-column reading. Kindle 2.6 for iPhone and iPad now displays “real page numbers,” which Amazon has been adding to a large number of e-books available from the Kindle Store. As you might recall, Amazon. To then show the real page numbers on Kindle for Mac: 1. Open the book on your Kindle and press the Kindle Menu button 2. Change the View Style at the bottom of the book from Location or Reading Progress to Page Numbers 3. You’ll then be able to see page numbers on your Kindle next to the Location at the bottom of the screen: If you have any.

Let's say you want to use different page numbers or number formats and styles in different parts of your document. You could use page numbers such as i, ii, iii… for the introduction and table of contents and 1, 2, 3… for everything after. The trick is to divide the document into sections and to make sure those sections aren’t linked. Then, set the page numbering for each of those sections by following these steps.

  1. Place the cursor at the start of the first line on the page where you want to stop, start, or change page numbering.

  2. Click Layout to display the Layout tab.

  3. Click Breaks, and then click Next Page.

  4. On the page after the section break, double-click in the header or footer area where you want to display page numbers.

    Word opens the header or footer for editing and automatically displays the Header & Footer tab.

  5. Click Link to Previous to deselect the button and disconnect your header or footer from the header or footer in the previous section.

    Note: Headers and footers are linked separately, so if your page number is in the header, turn off linking for headers. If your page number is in the footer, turn off linking for footers.

  6. On the Header & Footer tab, click Page Number, and then click Page Number.

    Word displays the Page Numbers dialog box.

  7. In Page Numbers, choose the position and alignment of page numbers. If you don't want a page number to appear on the first page, clear the Show number on first page check box.

  8. To choose a format or to control the starting number, on the Header & Footer tab, click Page Number > Format Page Numbers.

    Word displays the Format Page Numbers dialog box.

  9. If you want to change the numbering style, select a different style in the Number format list.

  10. If you want to change the starting page number of the newly created section, select Start at, and then enter a number.

  11. Click OK to accept your changes and close Format Page Numbers.

  12. If you are done making changes in the header or footer, click Close Header and Footer, or double-click outside of the header or footer in the document.

Learn more about page numbers

Show page numbers kindle

Flash! Kindle for PC updated with page numbers

Thanks to Stinger2133 in this

for the heads-up on this!

Following the recent Early Preview release of 3.1 for Kindle 3s , the free Kindle for PC app has also been updated with page numbers.

Guitar amp for mac. When I opened my Kindle for PC, it automatically updated. That’s something you can set in Tools-Options-General. If you don’t have that set, you can get the download at the page linked below.

The update took something like ten seconds.

That now puts me on version 1.4.1 of the reader app.

According to

the update also includes Popular Highlights, something we’ve had on the Kindles for some time.

You can turn that off in

Tools-Options-Annotations Vestax driver for mac.


You can also choose whether or not to display the number of highlighters (assuming you choose to display the highlights at all, of course). That’s kind of a nice touch.

Briefly, popular highlights are sections which have been highlighted by at least three Kindle users who have not opted out of the program by turning off Annotations Backup. You can also do that in the same spot as above…but it will also turn off your Last Page Read, so no Whispersyncing with another device.

It also added a touch interface for Windows 7 tablets.

In the coming soon, they only mention “Library Management”, which likely means Collections.

Where do you see the page number?

Right at the bottom of the screen, along with percentage and location numbers.

That’s the one complaint I’m seeing about page numbers on the Kindle. Since that feature was added, you don’t see the location numbers while you are reading…you have to hit Menu (that’s on the Kindle, not on K4PC). That’s true whether or not the book even has page numbers. I do miss it, but not terribly.

The slider at the bottom of the screen does display the page numbers changing. That slider is nice, too. 🙂

Kindle Page Numbers Ipad

If you have Kindle for Mac or other reader apps, I appreciate you letting me know if those have changed as well…and what you think about the changes.

MacKindle For Mac Page Numbers

Kindle For Mac Page Numbers List

This post by Bufo Calvin originally appeared in the I Love My Kindle blog.