Gitkraken For Linux

Watch this intermediate Git tutorial video to learn how to cherry pick a commit, and see an example of cherry picking in the GitKraken Git GUI. What is Git Rebase? Learn how to perform the git rebase command to apply changes from one branch onto another branch in the command line, and then compare the experience in GitKraken. I've done a clean chroot build for the gitkraken PKGBUILD and note that 'gkt2', 'libcurl-gnutls', and 'rtmpdump' are also obsolete/unneeded. Azd325 commented on 2019-06-19 11:43.

What is Git LFS and how does it work?

Gitkraken For Linux Mint

Git LFS (Legendary Fabled Squid Large File Storage) is a Git extension for storing large binary files.

Git LFS allows the user to track binary files directly or by extension. After the files are tracked, Git LFS manages the files as Git normally would, while Git just maintains a text file with metadata about the binary file.

When viewing the diff of tracked LFS files in GitKraken, you will see a versioned URL, a generated SHA, and a size pertaining to the size of the original contents of the file:

Git LFS stores the binary file content on a custom server or via GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket’s built-in LFS storage. To find the binary content's location, look in your repository’s .git/lfs/objects folder.

Git LFS uses a special Git Hook to handle pushing your LFS files to the special LFS location. Because LFS uses Git filters for handling diffs and proper storage, make sure Git Hooks can run on your machine.

When pulling or checking out a new branch, all files run through a smudge filter. The smudge filter puts a file into your working directory.

LFS reads the SHA stored in Git, then uses that to find the appropriate binary file in the .git/lfs/objects folder. If it does not find the file it needs, it attempts to download the file from the LFS server found in the local repository’s git config file.

Once the proper file is found or downloaded, Git LFS replaces the SSH-agent with the binary file in your working directory.

LFS uses the Git clean filter for changes ready for commit and runs when a file is staged. This filter reads the binary content from the file and converts it to a SHA, which will then be stored in Git while the original binary content will be stored in the .git/lfs/objects folder.

If you wish to learn more about how Git LFS works with Git, visit the GitHub repository documentation.

Git LFS Requirements

To enable LFS in GitKraken Git GUI, you must first install Git and LFS. The minimum requirements are:

  • Git version 2.3+
  • LFS version 2.0.1+

Note: Usually GitKraken does not require Git CLI to perform its operations. However, since we do utilize Git CLI to interact with LFS files you will need to have Git installed on your machine if you plan to use LFS.

Verify Git and LFS Versions

To verify whether you have the proper version of Git installed, open a terminal or CMD and type the following:

You should see something like this:

On Windows you may see some extra characters appended to the version which is expected. If an error appears, please install (or upgrade) Git on your machine.

GitKraken requires version 2.3+ to run LFS. To install or upgrade Git on your machine, visit the git-scm website.

Run the following command in terminal or CMD to verify your machine's version of Git LFS:

You should get output similar to the following:

If you do not have Git LFS installed or you have a version less than 2.0.0 installed, visit the Git LFS website to install the proper version.

After both Git and Git LFS are installed, verify that they are on your path either by running the commands above or by checking your path in the terminal.

Note: If GitKraken still cannot find Git or Git LFS, the terminal or CMD may be using a different path than the system or user path. For example, on OSX applications launched from the GUI have a different path than those launched from the terminal.

On OSX and Linux, you can run the following command to see the location of Git LFS on the path:

and this command to see the location of Git on the path:

On Windows, use:


On Windows you can add to your Path Environmental Variable with the following method:

Search Env in the start menu.

Next navigate to Environmental Variables... Double click Path Click New to add the paths.

You will likely need to add both git and git LFS (LFS can have multiple paths, you would want to add them all).

Jump in and learn Git based on your knowledge level. These beginner, intermediate, and advanced Git tutorials break down concepts into short videos that will teach you the concept and then walk through an example of how to apply it.

What is a Git repository?

Learn how to initialize Git on a project to create a new Git repo and what happens when you delete a Git repository.

What is a Git commit?

Learn what a Git commit is and how commits work to visualize the history of your Git repository, and see how committing fits into a typical Git workflow.

How to Git Commit

Learn how to perform the git commit command, including how to add a Git commit message, how to amend a commit, and how to revert a commit with GitKraken.

What is a Git remote?

Learn what a Git remote is, how to clone a Git remote to collaborate with team members, and how to add a remote to your project in Git.

How to Git Branch

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Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn more about branching in Git, how to delete a Git branch, how to create & rename a Git branch, & switch a Git branch.

How to Create a Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn how to create a Git branch. See how to create a branch and checkout the new branch using the same command.

How to Delete a Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn how to delete a branch. See commands for how to delete a Git branch locally and how to delete a remote branch.

How to Rename a Git Branch

Watch this beginner Git tutorial video to learn how to rename a Git branch. Learn how to rename a Git branch locally and how to rename a remote branch.

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How Git SSH Works

How does Secure Shell work in Git? What are SSH keys? Learn how to use an SSH agent to communicate with an SSH server on your computer’s behalf.

How Git Diff Works

What are Git diffs? Learn how to view the diff between multiple commits, how to view the diff between multiple branches, and how diff text works in Git.

What is Git Checkout

Learn more about this action and how to checkout branches, commits, and tags, then see an example of using Git checkout in GitKraken and the command line.

How to Git Merge

Learn how to use the Git merge command to combine changes from one branch to another branch in the command line, and see how to resolve a Git merge conflict with GitKraken.

How to Git Stash

What is stashing in Git? How do you create a Git stash? How do you apply a Git stash? How do you pop a Git stash? Learn how to stash file changes in Git.

How to Create Git Hooks

What are Git hooks? How do you access your .git/hooks folder? Learn how to set up Git hooks to run shell scripts that trigger after Git actions are performed.

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How to Git Squash

How does Git squash work? Can you squash 2 commits? Learn how to use this command to squash commits in Git to clean up your repo history.

What is a Pull Request in Git?

What is a pull request? What is a pull request in GitHub? Learn how pull requests work in Git and see an example of opening a pull request in GitHub.

How to Git Cherry Pick

Watch this intermediate Git tutorial video to learn how to cherry pick a commit, and see an example of cherry picking in the GitKraken Git GUI.

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What is Git Rebase?

Gitkraken Linux Permission Denied

Learn how to perform the git rebase command to apply changes from one branch onto another branch in the command line, and then compare the experience in GitKraken.

How to Resolve a Merge Conflict in Git

What is a merge conflict? How do you resolve merge conflicts in Git? Learn when a merge conflict in Git will occur and how to resolve them.

What is Git LFS?

What is Git LFS? How do you install Git LFS? Learn how to use Git LFS to save space in your remote repository when working with binary files in Git.

Install Gitkraken For Linux Mint

What is a Git Submodule?

How do you work with Git submodules? How do you add a Git submodule? Learn how to add a Git submodule and how to pull changes to your main project.